Hire Shop


Our Corrine Range is a stunning set of furniture available to hire for any exhibition or event. This range is has been used for high dining experiences in prestigious events ranging from VIP Events to seating areas for Mobile Champagne Bars at many exhibitions & events.
These units are designed to be used to charge laptops etc, not run power tools/heaters/kettles etc, they are only fitted with a 5am fuse that may blow if something heavy duty is plugged in


  • Sturdy Frame
  • Ideal for high dining
  • 1 x 240v supply required
  • 4 x 240v output sockets
  • 4 x USB charging sockets
  • Download CAD File (3DS, DWG, DXF & OBJ)

Corrine Charging High Table


Price for a 1 – 14 day hire


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